Magical Symbols and Alphabets
Explore the Past for a Magical Future
Throughout time, people have used symbols to explain the natural world and deity and to express abstract ideas. Symbols have also served as abbreviations or shorthand for concepts. Swiss psychologist Carl Jung brought to light the deep significance of symbols and the fact that we tend to be drawn to them because somewhere within our psyches we are aware of their importance.
A symbol provides the means to access the reality of a symbolized concept and in some ways to join with or embody it. Symbols both camouflage and make information accessible, especially in magical systems.
This book serves as an introduction to various symbol systems and enables you to immediately use them in your practices. For people already using these symbols, this book provides information to better understand their historical context and twenty-first century relevance. Most importantly, Magical Symbols and Alphabets serves as a base upon which you can continue to build knowledge.
Energize your Wiccan or Pagan practice with symbols and magical alphabets that are rich in history, yet relevant for today’s world. Discover how astrological symbols, zodiac signs, and the fixed stars can be used to invigorate spells and rituals. Connect with the power of the elements and explore tools like the Celtic ogham and Norse runes for divination and spiritual connection.
Learn how to use magical alphabets so you can live more deeply in the powerful magical energy that is all around you. An in-depth exploration to several methods for making sigils is also included as well as the author’s own unique approach that blends the use of magic squares.
With hands-on exercises as well as insight into each system’s history and lore, this book is a guide to integrating these powerful symbols into your magic, spiritual practice, and everyday life.
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